
Diplomatic relations between Russia and Mexico were established 110 years ago. At the present time, the close collaboration between our countries in the fields of higher education, science, and culture is constantly expanding and becomes more stable.

This book containing scientific papers prepared by researchers of Moscow State University and Autonomous University of Puebla is a prominent evidence of the fruitfulness of these mutually beneficial relations. In accordance with the agreement between our Universities, in 1998 a special Russian-Mexican scientific program devoted to mathematical modeling of complex information processing systems was prepared. Now we can summarize the first results of joint research obtained according to the following themes of this program:

  1. Mathematical modeling of information processes in neurophysiology
    (coordinators: Dr. E.Soto, Dr. T.B. Alexandrova)
  2. Control algorithms in mechatronics
    (coordinators: Dr. V.V. Alexandrov, Dr. H. Salazar)
  3. Modeling of cosmic ray detector operation
    (coordinators: Dr. H. Salazar, Dr. M.I. Panasyuk)
  4. Methods of mathematical modeling
    (coordinators: Dr. A. Fraguela, Dr. A.I. Grebennikov)

We express the hope that this book becomes the first in a succession of joint scientific investigations in the framework of the program "Russia-Mexico".

Rector of MSU
Dr. V.A. Sadovnichii
Rector of UAP
Dr. E. Doger Guerero